Friday 3 December 2010

Zebanine Female Leopard

Name: Zebanine Female (Named after the Zebanine Riverbed that flows through the southern portion of the reserve)

Born: Unknown

Territory: This female is found in the western part of Tanda Tula, south into Umlani, a bit further north towards King’s property and centres her activities on the dry Zebanine Riverbed tha winds through the area.

Male: Unknown

Cubs: Xinopi Male

Mother: Unknown

Father: Unknown

Siblings: Unknown

Neighbours: Uncertain as little is known of the leopards so far south of the lodge.

Story: Just like her son, the Motswari guides seldom (if ever) see this female due to the distance away from the lodge, as well as her only mildly relaxed disposition – it is not normally worth an hour-and-a-half trip down south to see a leopard that might run away! As a result of this, very little is known of this leopard to us, besides the fact that she is the resident female and has a semi-relaxed son that is just about independent of her. Maybe in future she will provide us with more frequent viewings, but with the best leopard viewing being found in the north, it is unlikely that she will ever be a regular leopard in the sightings blog.

Interesting News: 

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